Providing guidance and learning opportunities that invite true self-discovery and transformation.


I’m so glad you’re here! As you explore these pages, you’ll find much to learn about the Enneagram and what I offer.

The Enneagram of Personality is a system that begins by describing nine distinct but interrelated personality
types that portray nine different perspectives or “ways of seeing.”  This begins your process of discovery, but that is only the beginning!

Each Type describes characteristics, behaviors, gifts and challenges. One of these types is yours and that type interrelates to all of the others in profound ways.

Primarily a tool for self-understanding and personal growth, a study of the Enneagram system invariably gives us a greater compassion and appreciation for others.

Your personal path to wholeness and positive change can move ahead quickly through a variety of workshops, study groups, retreats, coaching and/or private consultations. Many of these opportunities are offered in person or online.

Those who embark on this spiritual journey are those who desire greater awareness and are open to self-truth.  It is a journey for the curious – and for the courageous!

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What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a “map” of the human personality, a map that allows us to see where we have been and where we are at any given time.  It shows us how we might be feeling, what we might be thinking, and why we might be behaving in very predictable ways.  It is a divine psychology that also shows us a path to the transformation of our own consciousness!

Enneagram Discovery - nature 2
Enneagram Discovery - nature 1

Brief History

The Enneagram is a rich and dynamic system that continues to evolve over time.

The ancient nine-pointed symbol now used to illustrate the Enneagram is of mysterious origins.  In modern times, George I. Gurdjieff, who was an esoteric traveling teacher in the late 19th century came across this fascinating symbol somewhere in Turkey or Afghanistan.  He brilliantly recognized its representation of archetypal patterns that explain much of life’s mysteries.  Gurdjieff’s discoveries continue to be explored and continue to provide wisdom to seekers.

Finding My Type

Understanding your personality type helps you become the whole and complete human being that you were born to be. Finding your Type or Point is only the beginning of the journey of self-discovery.